Hiring Employees and Independent Contractors

Hiring employees can be a daunting task for a small business owner. Especially for a startup that is hiring their first employee. The decision to take on employees is a daunting task and should not be taken on lightly. Whether to hire an employee or a 1099 independent contractor depends upon a number of factors including your business, the industry you operate in, and the work that is needed to be done. There are very important legal distinctions between the two types of hires and it is important to get this decision right. Here are several things to consider the next time your business is thinking about hiring.

Hiring an Independent Contractor Electrician.

What are the Differences Between an Employee and a Contractor?

The major difference between an employee and an independent contractor is the level of control the employer has over the worker. When a business hires an employee, they have total control over how, when, and where the employee performs their job. With an independent contractor the employer only has control over the finished product the contractor has been hired to complete. When a business hires a contractor, the business is paying the contractor to perform a specific service for the business on their own time using their own resources. In addition to being on their own time, an independent contractor is responsible for declaring taxes on their own personal income.

When it comes to hiring an employee, the business is responsible for taking care of an enormous amount of paper work. This is especially difficult for startups who are hiring their first employee. Once the first employee is hired, it becomes more easy to deal with the paperwork as you hire more employees.

Employees are a little bit of a safer way to protect your business because when it comes to contractors each state has their own rules and regulations when it comes to interacting with those types of employees. In some states, some types of contractors are considered employees and must be covered by workers compensation insurance. There are other states where this is not the case. Also, if a business is caught interacting with a contractor in a fashion that is meant for an employee there may be fines and other penalties for the business.

Construction business discussing work and hiring an independent contractor.

When Should a Business Consider Hiring an Employee

A business should consider hiring a person as an employee when the work really required the supervision of someone within the business. Hiring an employee is also best when you as the business owner want to control the work hours, the tools used, and the way those tools are used. Employees are better when the work that is required is long-term or ongoing and when the work is essential to your business.

When Should a Business Consider Hiring a Contractor

A business should consider hiring a contractor when the work is not central to the business, the work can be done by a professional who does not need much supervision, or when the work is a short-term project.

Many businesses decide on hiring contractors instead of employees. Do Not Hire Employees Until Your Making a Profit

Employees are much more of a long term decision. If your business depends upon the income of one or a few companies, the loss of one of those customers can have a drastic impact on your business. If one of these customers leave your business shortly after you have added staff, it can be a substantial problem for your business. If your business is not stable and making a sustained profit, it may be a better time to partner with contractors until the business is more stable.

Communicate with all Contractors

The legal definition with a contractor is that the business gives them a task to accomplish, but the business cannot dictate how the employee goes about getting the task accomplished. This does not mean the business should have little to no contact with the contractor. It is important to communicate with the contractor about the actions of the business and the employees they may come in contact with. If the quality of their work is exceptional or not up to par, communicate the thoughts to them on a regular basis. No matter what type of contractor you are using, open lines of communication will make all work much more smooth.

Classify Employees or Contractors Properly

Each state has their own rules and regulations determining how you should classify contractors and employees. Some states have rules where some contractors are considered employees for taxes purposes and within the workers compensation system. It is important to partner with an experienced independent agent and to investigate with the proper governing body yourself. Your independent agent can advise about the proper classification for each individual type of employee, but they can only act upon the information you give them. No one knows your business as well as you do and no one is responsible for the actions of a business more than the owner of that business. Nowhere is this more evident than when it comes to hiring contractors and employees.

Construction Contracting risks for Workers Comp Quotes

Are Construction Contracting Risks hard to quote or impossible?

Working with artisan contractors for commercial insurance can be an exciting struggle. The benefit of working with companies that build or fix our homes and businesses every day is a rewarding challenge. That challenge can be tough to explain. Especially to someone who is just wanting to get their business quoted and move on with their day or with some one who has never experienced a claim. Below are some key things to consider when helping business owners search for commercial insurance.

FInd out just how difficult it is to get Workers Compensation Coverage for some contractors.


Why is contracting so hard to quote?

Contracting companies or Construction firms that perform building work represent some of the highest risk industries. They represent such a high risk because of the nature of work that is being performed. This means the potential for a claim to take place is high and the potential severity of that claim is also extremely high. Meaning the possibility of the claim taking place is high and when the claim happens there is a good chance it would be a severe and expensive claim.

What are the types of things that will cause a claim?

Construction and contracting see a variety of claims causes that make it a little scary for an insurance company. They are unique in that they have the ability to see virtually all types of claims you would see. Slip and falls, lifting strains, repetitive motion claims are ones any basic shop operation could have. Contractors also perform work outside of their shop, so motor vehicle accidents become a concern. Falls form heights can be one of the biggest concerns that can make a huge difference for most contractors wanting to get out of the state fund and with a competitive market carrier.

How can I set my firm apart from the rest?

As an Insurance Agent that specializes in hard to write workers comp, my approach when tasked with quoting a difficult scenario is to focus on the primary concern and risk. As a business owner, the first thing you want to look at is the biggest risk you have to your company which in turn will be the biggest risk to your workers comp carrier. The three biggest concerns being falls from heights, motor vehicle accidents and lifting exposures. This means any way you can limit the exposure or minimize the impact of these the better chance you have of getting quoted. Below are areas that you can look at:

As for height exposures: What is the maximum height in feet you work off ground level? The lower the number the better, but if you are doing work above ground level it is important that you know what the level is. Having a hard cut off point is important. Most importantly, how much opportunity do you have for work higher off the ground. If most of your productive work is less than 10 feet off the ground, but one small job a year is 25 or 30 feet off the ground, You may need to ask the business owner if it is worth paying more for insurance just to work this one job per year? Besides limiting operations, the business owner needs to comply with OSHA tie off requirements and they need to have strict protocols regarding work performed off ground level in their written safety program.

As for Motor vehicle accidents: Are you doing most of your construction work local or long distance? If working outside your local area, do you have multiple locations or crews based in different areas? This can sometimes be a way to limit having employees travel farther and limit your exposure. Besides limiting the travel area, check Motor Vehicle Records on all employees who will drive at time of hire and at least once per year. This is standard for most companies and your Commercial Auto Carrier is likely going to do this anyway. Reviewing and removing higher risk drivers from your driver list can help you with workers comp. Of course, it will save you money on your commercial auto policy ass well if you have one.

Prevent employees from becoming an injured worker by reading about the dangers of improper lifting at myinsurancequestion.comLifting exposures: Generally, are your employees lifting over 50lbs on their own? If so, find a different alternative to lifting like a dolly or something to assist in the lift. That can also be a mechanical hoist or a 2 wheeler to move heavy items.  It could also be requiring team lifting for objects over a certain weight. All of these strategies can limit this risk for your business. Safety programs are crucial to have in place for businesses dealing with heavy lifting. Accidents are eventually going to happen and when they do, a well-documented safety program can be the difference in being dropped for your carrier or not.

Working to improve these areas can help with many things for your construction business. Employees will see that you care for their well being, which in itself can be helpful in the quoting process. The safety protocols will help reduce your employees risk of a workplace injury and in most cases this can help the business get better, more aggressive quotes for workers comp insurance. I have seen in many states this savings can be over 50% for a carrier who has to go to the state fund vs the competitive market quotes. That’s like getting a half-off coupon for your workers comp.